Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Get jolly and join us this Wednesday morning for our Christmas FCA!! We'll have a Christmas-y breakfast (without the mincemeat pie), play some reindeer games and worship the One that gives us cause to celebrate on His birthday and every day! Be ready to be blessed by our speaker, Adrienne Saxon. A 2006 graduate of Whitfield Academy and a 2010 graduate of Covenant College where she played soccer with our own Miss Mackie, she'll be sharing with us about her own love of the Savior and how He is now using her in ministry through FCA here in Atlanta.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Over the River and Through the Woods...

Well, we're not exactly headed to "Grandmother's House", but the Junior High at Heiskell are definitely setting off on some adventures! On Monday, November 15 the sixth grade will be leaving for Rock Eagle and the seventh and eighth grades will be heading for Williamsburg, Virginia and Washington, D. C.

This, of course, means there will be no FCA that week...how could we possibly compete?!? We will, however, be praying for each of you while you're away and we can't wait to hear all about your trips when you return. We will see you back at FCA on Wednesday morning, December 1.

By the way, thanks for all of the Leadership Applications that were submitted. We will be discussing your new roles after you return!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Shootin' Hoops

FCA is pretty sure we have a "slam dunk" of a speaker for this week's meeting! Join us as we welcome Katie Feenstra-Mattera as our special guest on Wednesday, November 3 at 7:30 a.m. Mrs. Mattera was the eighth overall draft pick in the women's NBA in 2005. She is a graduate of Liberty University where she became a three-time Big South Conference Player of the Year as well as the Big South's all-time shot blocker.

Standing 6 feet, 8 inches tall, Mrs. Mattera boasts that her height is a gift from the Lord which has served her well in her professional career including playing for the San Antonio Silver Stars, Detroit Shock, and our city's very own Atlanta Dream.

Please don't throw an air ball and miss out on her testimony! Help us give her a great Heiskell welcome as she comes to share with us this week.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Welcome, Byron Johnson!

Heiskell Huddle welcomes Byron Johnson from Campus Outreach Atlanta to FCA this Wednesday morning. Byron and his wife, Kim, both became Christians during their high school years and were involved in Campus Outreach (CO) at their respective campuses. Byron is a 1990 graduate of the University of West Georgia and Kim is a 1990 graduate of Troy University. It was through their participation in the local church and involvement with CO, that God called them to full-time vocational ministry with CO. Since 1992, Byron has been ministering among Aftican-American college students at Historical Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU). Kim joined him in this endeavor upon marriage in 1993. They have five children (Kelsey, James Byron, Kaitlyn, Jordan and Jonathan).

Huddle up, Heiskell!

FCA has found a home at The Heiskell School! We are proud to announce the beginning of the first Heiskell FCA Huddle. At 7:30 am, every other Wednesday morning, Junior High students gather in the cafeteria to spend time fellowshiping, worshiping and learning more about how the Gospel directly impacts their lives.

October Meeting:
  • Wednesday, October 6, 2010
    • Speaker: Kenny Cash, Uplift Ministry, Atlanta
  • Wednesday, October 20, 2010  
    • Speaker: Byron Johnson, Campus Outreach, Atlanta
November Meeting:
  • Wednesday, November 3, 2010
    • Speaker: Perry LeBlanc
  • Wednesday, November 17, 2010 (No FCA, due to Washington/Williamsburg and Rock Eagle field trips)