Wednesday, October 5, 2011

 Heiskell Huddle and Pitcher Andrew Kown

What do you get when you mix 30 junior high students, a whole bunch of sausage biscuits and hashbrowns, and one professional baseball player? A fantastic FCA meeting, that's what!
 Andrew Kown, pitcher in the San Francisco Giants minor league system, joined us this morning. Not only did he share about his 96 mile per hour fastball, but also that our relationship with Christ is our own and cannot be inherited from our parents. Being raised in a Christian home, Andrew grew up going to church every time the doors were open, but it wasn't until his sophomore year at Gerogia Tech that a friend reminded him that knowing Christ is personal, no one can do it for you. Andrew realized he did not know if he was saved and followed that conversation by surrendering his life totally to Jesus.

Many times the only news we hear about professional athletes is when they have done something wrong or are in trouble. Andrew's goal is to change that perception by continuing to be the type of athlete young people should look up to and one who continually glorifies the Lord.

Thanks so much to Andrew Kown for sharing part of his morning with us as well as his testimony. We wish him all the best as he moves up to the majors and joins the Giants at spring training this February. We will hold on to the baseballs he signed for us and someday say "we knew him when...".

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